Friday, February 25, 2011


Aye, The Bell Rang in The Gloom and The Faithful gathered:  Apostle GX, Tango-Delta, Six Mike, Rock, Voice of Harold, TankMurdoch and Silence

The Thang:  Forty-five minutes of MudX—training for the Marine Corps Mud Run.  TankMurdoch forgot to start his watch so we cannot provide the hard time or the kCals.  Good work Brother.  Seriously, thanks.

NakedMan Moleskin:

1.       Kotters:  This was the Apostle’s first MudX of the Spring Season.  Welcome Back Brother.

2.       Not Really Brother:  Silence, in a well-intentioned but poorly planned effort to cheer-up the winded Apostle started with:  “hey GX, you know who has it worse than you?”  That’s never a good start.  But then, Silence went on to describe the most sorrowful tale of betrayal and frustration TankMurdoch has ever heard on the Campos or the AG.  Just really pitiful.  GX, always graceful, just sat down and cried.  Not just for himself, but for betrayed Qrusaders everywhere.    

3.       Call to Stuartship:  The Apostle pointed out that somebody (Silence I guess) needs to come behind the MudX with a Sham-Wow and clean the mud prints off the bleachers.  TripleClaps for community.

4.       FNG:  This was the Rock’s first time on the MudX.  Except for his look of pained confusion when TankMurdoch advised creeping through the Apocolypto Greg Allman style (“there’s a man down there . . .”) to keep from tripping on the roots, the Rock rolled.  Aye. 

5.       Wisconsin Teachers:  Lots of excused absences out there this AM Brothers, including OBT who face-planted yesterday during the SweetSix, having tripped over the middle toe of his Five-Finger Vibrams.  Monkey-footed in the Gloom he was.  Aye.

Just saying  . . . 

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